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Kids‘ desks for the start of school


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moll Bandit from 260 €


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suitable children’s furniture


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moll Scooter „Black Edition“ from 420 €


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moll Mobilight from 130 €


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Spot on – moll products at a glance

moll Bandit:

The Bandit desk from moll allows a back-friendly and comfortable work thanks to its functions. The desk in white design has a height adjustment ranging from 58 to 82 cm and is therefore equally suitable for young and old. The desk top can be tilted and is equipped with a practical storage tray and an anti-slip device. The suitable desk height can be easily adjusted in 10 steps. The adjustment element on the foot base is equipped with a child lock.

moll Winner:

The Winner offers countless design options and is available in four different design colors. The childproof height adjustment of the „Classic“ model variant makes it possible to adjust the desk effortlessly in ten steps. The desk height can be adjusted from 53 to 82 cm. This equals a body height of 1.20 m to 2.00 m.

moll Joker:

The Joker is the basic model of moll kids. From the outset, it has all the attributes typical for a moll and can be adjusted both in height and being tilted. In addition, it has colorful stripes that make it possible to customize the desk. The convenient pen storage compartment is already included in the standard configuration.

moll Mobilight:

The moll Mobilight can be considered the all-time classic from moll. Well proven for a long time and still up-to-date today. Due to the rollers in the clamping foot, the energy-saving lamp can be moved back and forth at any time. Equipped with seven bright color applications which are included in the standard configuration.

moll Scooter „Black Edition“

Staying focused at your desk and preparing for school can be quite uncomfortable in the long run. The back hurts, movement is restricted and the chair often is too hard. With its ergonomic backrest and comfortable seat, the Scooter „Black Edition“ from moll ensures that your children feel comfortable when sitting at their desk. High-quality materials, best workmanship and optimal adjustment to the body proportions in seat height, seat depth and backrest height make the Scooter „Black Edition“ the new best friend in children’s rooms, meeting the highest expectations in seating comfort and ergonomics.

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Marco is looking for a new kids desk

At the start of school we explain why choosing the right children’s desk is a question of configuration and how moll children’s desks become the perfect solution for everyone.

Marco Jaro will start school in a few weeks. Therefore the whole Jaro family set out to find an ideal children’s desk for Marco.

Until now, Marco usually sat at the kitchen table or at his father’s old desk to paint and do handicrafts. At the kitchen table Marco always had to bend over the top and never found a proper ergonomic position.

His father’s desk is even height adjustable. But for this Marco always needed the help of his parents and quite often he got his fingers pinched. It can’t go on like this, says Marco’s older brother Diego. Diego already had a Runner from moll.

Therefore the Jaro family is going to the furniture store Rat, where the family has already bought the Runner for Diego. Mr. Rat is very familiar with children’s desks and knows that every child has different needs.

Preconfigured children’s desks never really feel like they fit, which disappoints customers as much as it does the salesperson.

That’s why Mr. Rat has decided to focus on the children’s desks from moll. Moll is the inventor of the height-adjustable children’s desk, has over 40 years of experience and is the only company that offers fully customizable solutions at the highest level of quality and safety.

The amount of possible configurations of children’s desks from moll is huge: First of all, Marco can decide how wide the desk should be. If there is not enough space, many moll children’s desks can be easily upgraded. Both at the side with the height-variable side-top and at the rear with the likewise height-variable multideck.

In order to keep the children’s desks free for working, the Winner and Champion can also be fitted with the multifunctional Flex Deck.

As Marco is growing, the height adjustment is extremely important. moll offers two options here: The inexpensive Classic height adjustment, where the parents of Marco and Diego have to help a little bit, or the Comfort height adjustment with yo-yo, for which the Jaro brothers do not need any help.

Adjusting the angle of the desk is just as easy as adjusting the height.

The kids‘ desks from moll are designed in such a way that there is no danger of jamming or squeezing and that the children themselves can put the desk at an angle or even back in a horizontal position.

In addition, there are practical accessories such as the book rest, the magnetic anti-slip device with ruler and magnifying glass or the bag hook.

But for Marco it is also important that his child’s desk looks the way he wants it to. That is why the moll children’s desks are available in many different materials and designs, such as beech, maple or oak.

Suitably to the children’s desks moll offers different containers, special chairs like the Maximo and the Scooter and optimal desk lamps such as the Moblight and the Flexlight.

Mr. Rat is pleased that he was able to configure the ideal children’s desk for Marco out of 1,728 possible variations.

Diego, Marco’s brother, is satisfied as he owns a Runner from moll, which he likes to use even as a student thanks to its variability.

Marco’s mother is reassured by knowing that she has chosen health, safety and future oriented.

Marco’s father is relaxed as he has seen how easily the children’s desks from moll can be assembled.

And Marco is thrilled as he has now found a real dream desk.

Now the first year of school can begin.

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